Output 2

Online Course in Rhetoric

The institution responsible for the content of this output is the Institute of Rhetoric and Communication from Sofia, Bulgaria, with the assistance cooperation from other partners: The Centre for Applied Rhetoric  (University of Warsaw, Poland) and the Department of Phonetics (University of Zagreb, Croatia).

The course covers a number of theories, rhetorical heritage, adaptations, and applications of rhetoric. It is meant for self-study, but may also be used as a supplement for other handbooks and courses, especially for Methods of Rhetorical Criticism. A Handbook (O1). 

There are five THEORY modules, covering rhetorical heritage, basic terms and concepts. Three TRAINING modules give practical tips for preparing and delivering various kinds of speeches. Three modules labeled as RESEARCH demonstrate procedures for rhetorical analysis. In the last module we ask for your feedback and evaluation, to make this course better and more satisfying for all users.

Bulgarian version of the course can be found here .

How to log in to the course? 

Content and structure of the course

Try out some games from the course!

1) Play Hangman to check if you know the names of monological and dialogical genres.

2) Spin the wheel and improvise a speech.

3) Open the box and write a piece of news, using the suggested ratio

First preparations for designing the course

Insights from the Croatian team