Output 4
Applied Rhetoric Curricula
For several dozen centuries, rhetoric was the basis of education that gave the possibility of active participation in civic life. It used to be the basis of education as one of the pillars of artes liberales, and in the 20th and 21st centuries it returns to modern universities as a new discipline with an extensive methodological apparatus relating not only to the sphere of words (ars bene dicendi), but more broadly – to the sphere of culture and human activity (rhetoric as shaping attitudes and behaviors using symbols).

Curricula in brief
Read a short presentation from a talk at the international conference Rhetoric for Innovative Education, 13 October 2022, University of Warsaw

Stakeholder opinions
The Master's program was sent for evaluation to several institutions representing potential stakeholders, who submitted their written opinions on it.

Internal evaluation
The programmes were evaluated including both students and academics specializing in teaching rhetoric.
Desk research and discussion
Each team collected materials on rhetoric studies at European and American universities. These materialswere compared. Together, an outline of the program of study at the bachelor's and master's levels was developed. It was agreed that curricula should :
(1) be competence-based,
(2) learner-centred and
(3) adapt to the changing needs of learners, teachers and society.
Students' consultations
In the first stage of work on theprograms, the needs of students at three partner universities were discussed.
For example, Polish philology students expressed interest in the rhetorical studies programme at MA, indicating that they would consider it as a continuation of their studies.