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Teaching Rhetoric Online
T.S. Simeonov ( 2018) diagnosed that there is an "unexplored scientific niche" in the field between pedagogical rhetoric and virtual rhetoric. Our projectteam came to the same conclusions: academic teachers often lack skills essential for effective online teaching. Both academic an high school teachers needed tips on virthual pedagogical rhetoric as well as resources for both online and face-to-face teaching.
Find more here.
Podacsts and talks
Episode 1: Delivering speeches
Episode 2: Rhetoric in school
Episode 3: Virtual Pedagogical Rhetoric
Episode 4: Virtual Pedagogical Rhetoric Methods
Episode 5: Virtual Pedagogical Rhetoric
Episode 6: Rhetoric, Rhetorical Canons and Rhetorical Analysis
Episode 7: Rhetoric, virtual rhetoric and visual analysis
Episode 8: Rhetorical Features of Podcasts
Episode 9: Rhetoric in University
Episode 10: Rhetoric, Policy, Diplomacy, Education
Episode 11: Rhetoric, Media, Public Relations, Education
RHEFINE meets Spotify
Now podcasts are also available here.

Bulgarian online rhetoric resources
Do you need more? Find other resources in English
Materials are grouped in four:
Do you need more? Find other resources in Polish
Rhetorical Question is an Instagram profile dedicated to rhetorical education. Kinga (from the RHEFINE project) and Basia regularly provide a dose of rhetorical knowledge!
Here are some examples of their superb work!

Old terms in new frames
We present a compendium of contemporary interpretations of classical descriptive rhetorical terms.
It was prepared by teams of students of Polish philology (BA) at the University of Warsaw.
Do you need more? Find other resources in Croatian
The video lectures in Croatian cover topics such as public speaking anxiety, speeches on special occasions and elements of good delivery. Enjoy!

Strah i trema
Public speaking anxiety

Govorna izvedba (1)
Speech delivery (1)

Govorna izvedba (2)
Speech delivery (2)

Kako vježbati slušanje?
How to practice active listening?

Govori u posebnim prigodama
Speeches on special occassion
Tired of watching or listening? Look at this! Or read, if you want...
Some techniques and exercises for active listening: read in Croatian.
In case you are getting ready for a conference and you know you will be chairing a session, learn how to do that properly: read in Croatian.
There are zillion assessment rubrics for public speaking, however this one is a bit smarter: read in Croatian.